
Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory - Pavilion

3:05 PM

Ever since I came back from Korea, I had been craving for Korean fried chicken because I have tasted a really awesome fried chicken.

Fried chicken has always been a famous food in this modern society. It's a finger licking classic for all ages and it's a great food for any occasion and any time of the day. Chir Chir is restaurant chain originated from Korea which specializes in fried chicken and varieties of fusion korean dishes.

Crispy fried chicken (original) - RM49.90
This plate like this is one whole chicken which is perfect for 2 persons. 

Spicy chicken topped with crispy garlic flakes - RM56.90
Having tried both original and spicy chicken, I personally preferred the original as the spicy chicken stronger in flavour and also saltier. Besides, original is crunchier and gives a delightful taste of the soft warm chicken meat.

The utensils provided to us to enjoy the meal.

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